Thursday 19 December 2013

Christmas Fun!

Today after we had packed up all our things in the classroom we spent some time together making Christmas chocolates and jelly in the staffroom.  We are all very tired but enjoyed making (and eating) our chocolate and we are looking forward to eating our jelly tomorrow.

Christmas Trees

We have made some Christmas decorations from felt.  We made Christmas Trees and then stitched on some beads as the baubles hanging from the tree.  We needed to show perseverance as the thread kept coming off our needles.  We also had to be responsible looking after our very sharp needles.  We were also showing respect because we were watching the movie "The Polar Express" while we were doing our stitching and everyone needed to be able to see and hear the movie.  Most of us found it tricky but we are so proud of what we have made.  Spot all the teeth that are missing!  I can hear a song coming on...'all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth'.

Talent Quest

This morning the whole school enjoyed watching the finalists in the Roydvale Talent Quest for 2013.  Aileen was the only person from Room 2 to enter in the Piwakawaka competition and she WON!  She performed her dance with great enthusiasm and confidence in her moves.  We were very proud of her and she was super excited.  Congratulations Aileen!

Tuesday 17 December 2013

A special parcel

Today Mrs Jansen had some special elf visitors call into the office with a parcel for our class. She saw 45 elves crammed into a yellow mini and four jump out with our parcel. They were wearing bells on their shoes. We heard them but we didn't see them. Yone saw Santa's sleigh out the window while we were trying to find out where the bells were coming from. We opened our big parcel that was decorated with tiny presents. Inside were the replies to our Christmas letters we sent Santa. We were VERY excited but unfortunately the elves couldn't stay long enough to give us our parcel because they were so busy. We loved our letters though!

Where are those bells coming from?  Can anyone see an elf or Santa?
Even Mrs O was excited for us!